Customer Case
ICA Banken | ICA Försäkring
How ICA Banken and ICA Försäkring succeed in their Agile Transformation
Companies today struggle with the challenge of developing themselves to be even better at delivering value in a world where the pace of change is constantly accelerating. This last year, ICA Banken and ICA Försäkring have really taken this on board and embarked on an impressive journey of transformation where they explored and developed their forms of cooperation to deliver value for both their customers and their employees.
In this interview, we asked Hanna Schultz, Head of HR at ICA Banken & ICA Försäkring about their journey.
What was the main reason for your start of the Agile Transformation?
Looking back, what were the most important presumptions for delivering a successful journey?
If we look at the beginning of the agile transformation - what advice would you give yourself before starting?
What do you see as your next step?
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If you and your company long to develop your customer experience with the help of personalized customer communication, the introduction of value-creating customer journeys, automated processes and more efficient collaboration between market and sales, then our best tip is to contact us at Recoordinate for a personal meeting where we can tell you more about the benefits based on your circumstances.
Drop us a line.
Want to read more?
Download our whitepaper and receive 6 essential pillars for an Agile Organization.
1. How do you drive a cultural change in an organisation?
2. Define "Agile"?
3. What are the 6 essential pillars of an agile organisation?
4. What are the challenges of an agile organisation?
5. Where to start as a company?
Whitepaper - English
6 Essentials pillars for an Agile Organization.