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  • Writer's pictureRecoordinate

Digital marketing strategy with Nackademin

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

This fall, Recoordinate has been directors of the two first courses at Nackademin vocational education (yrkeshögskola) program “Digital Marketing Strategist”. The class consists of 30 enthusiastic and talented students which we believe will be future leaders within the field. During their one-and-a-half-year program, expert professionals representing different companies and fields will direct courses and share first-hand knowledge.

The two courses we directed and got to share out expert knowledge within were:

  • Digital Development

Were we deep-dived into the word of chance. The student got introduced to tools to understand the world we have lived in, are living and are going to live in. What are some driving forces of change, how has the digital transformed world changed us and how we can act on this were some cornerstones of this course.

  • Project Management

Were we first talked about how companies traditionally have structured themselves to plan, steer and perform followed by what we advocate and see as a better way of doing this in a world that is constantly changing (yes, of course we talked about business agility and agile ways of working).

Key take-aways

One of the lectures that was very appreciated by the student was about strategy, held by our transformation consultants Erik Nilestoff and Jonas Lidman. In the interactive full-day workshop the students got an introduction to what a strategy is and what it is not. They went through some classic strategic frameworks and models from Michael Porter, Henry Mintzberg etc. and how one would go about adopting these in a way that can meet the changes which is going on in the world. The day ended with them developing a strategy for a company of their choice.

The key take-aways from the session where:

  1. Strategy is an adaptable path that enables you to make the right choices that get you towards your purpose (which can’t be to make a profit…)

  2. When doing strategic work, it is important to reflect about the differences between operational excellence and strategic positioning.

  3. A good strategy most likely derives from asking; where are we today, where do we want to go and how do we get there.


Read more about our work with Nackademin from our personal Linked in posts

"Everyone wants to be “agile” these days. But what does it mean for your digital marketing?"

- Jheri Malm

Senior Marketing Consultant

"What is Strategy? But equally important, what is not Strategy?"

- Erik Nilestoff

Transformation Consultant

"Modern marketing is about designing systems that allow you and your team to consistently answer these questions in better, more creative ways."

- Jonas Lidman

Agile Coach

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